

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Just a short flyby over Lego City at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. 

CineSpace, 2015 "Red Pearl"

For the first time the 2015 season of the Houston Cinema Arts Festival has partnered with NASA to offer filmmakers around the world a chance to share their works inspired by, and using, actual NASA imagery, both photos and archive film/video through what is called "CineSapce", a new short film competition for the HCAF. (under 15-mins). Films, using real NASA footage from over 50 years of history were judged on their creativity, innovations and attention to detail that are the hallmarks of spaceflight. 
16 finalists (official selections) were chosen through a "selection committee" and according to the one of the board members of the HCAF, the 16 selected movies were given to Houstonian (and NOW living and working in Austin) Honorary HCAF Honorary Board member, Richard Linklater, to pick out the 3rd 2nd and 1st place winners. The HCAF was honored to choose Mary Magsamen and Stephen Hillerbrand's short movie "Higher Ground" as the 1st place winners and Best of the HCAF, 2015. 
Ms. Mary Magsamen is the current Curator at the Aurora Picture Show, a media arts center, (if you recall, the former Aurora Picture Show's Executive Director Delicia Harvey is currently on the board of the HCAF, as well as the Houston Film Commissions Executive Director Rick Ferguson who is an Advisory Board member with the Aurora Picture Show and Board member at the HCAF, among others.

C47Houston was not participating with this years Houston Cinema Arts Festival, we are not on the board, and was invited to the screening of Director Wayne Slaten's short movie "Red Pearl". This was all part of the HCAF's collaboration with NASA under a short competition called CineSpace. 
The team for Moonlike Filmwerks, Mr. Slaten's Production company were there in support. The team won a jury award, The Best short Film Depicting the Spirit of Future Exploration in Space Award. Directed by Wayne Slaten, Starring Uju Edoziem, Jordyn Lorenz, Troy Parker and Nia Johnson. Cinematography by Larry Mckee, wardrobe by Liz Tee. Produced by Molly Vernon, Martin Delon, Julie Oliver-Touchstone and Mr. Slaten  Music by Jeff Walton Edited by Richard Whitlow, makeup by Marissa Viso and Angela Mendoza
Congratulations to the team!!! If you get a chance to see this movie, it was pretty amazing.
Learn more about "Red Pearl" on FB at: 
Visit their IMDB page at: 
and visit Moonlite filmwerks at: 

We took some pictures...

You can seem a few more pictures on Instagram at: 

Friday, November 6, 2015

What you need to know about making a Movie...So, you want to make movies!

What you need to know about making a movie.

There are many schools of thought regarding the approach you take in making a movie for the first time. Some will tell you to pick up a copy of Robert Rodriguez’s movie making book “Rebel without a Crew”. Others will tell you to go to a reputable filmmaking school and learn what you need to know about making a movie. And, still others will tell you to spend your money and take some filmmaking classes, workshops and even seminars with various directors whom are willing to answer your questions about how to make a movie.

We have had the pleasure and opportunity to meet a huge amount of moviemakers over the few years we have been in business. Some come from and have degrees in some reputable schools; some have picked up Mr. Rodriquez book and have created their own projects and some have taken classes, attended workshops and seminars.

These approaches all have their merits, some disadvantages and plenty of information about how one would go about making their movie venture. But, the only approach that you ought to be taking is your OWN approach to movie making. If you are a fan of watching movies you will no doubt have analyzed the techniques used by many directors in the creation of their movies. The only thing stopping you from picking up a camera and telling your story, or someone else’s story is YOU.

If you feel like you need the resources provided by books, schools or workshops go for it, but it is your own approach that may make a difference in being noticed as a moviemaker and director. YOUR creative style is all that counts and all that matters. Being original and having a unique take on making movies may get you noticed on every social network site. AND, you may get the attention from the studios looking to back an up-and-coming moviemaker with something different to show.  

Sure, you can learn some of the basics about movie making, from a book or from a workshop however, it all comes down to your particular and unique creative style in making a movie. It’s the way you move the camera, the way you make it flow from point “A” to point “B”, the way you compose your image within the four angles of a frame, the way you create a scene, the way you backlight an actor or an object, the way you cut and splice and the way you tell your story.

We have seen some really good movies made by people that have no business making movies and they do a great job in creating something unique and inspiring, at the same time, we have seen some bad movies made from people that really have no business making movies but continue to live out their dreams. Regardless of whether the movie was bad or a good venture, WE have to say that the movies that have grabbed our attention have always been creative and utilizing some unique approaches that can not be taught in a book or a workshop. They have a style of their own and a particular approach to making a movie.

Pick up a camera and experiment. Bring out your creative side and make a movie that when shown…people will remember, not because the story was good, but because you leave a visual imprint in their minds…something that they can not forget. This is what is going to get you noticed. Forget about following someone else’s idea on how you ought to make a movie. This was good for them and may not be or apply to YOU. 

Remember, you are an artist with a blank canvas in the form of a giant silver screen in front of you. The brushes you use is a movie camera with various lenses and the image you put on that silver screen is YOUR view of the world. The color you mix is your idea of lighting and sound and the texture you create by composing a scene in front of a camera is only limited by your imagination. When you are ready to apply that first stroke of paint, you are applying your particular style and your unique take on making a movie.  When it all comes together, step back and look at what you have done. You can be satisfied that what you created has your particular signature on it for all to see.

So, get out there and make your movie. YOU don’t need someone else’s version of what it should be. It is YOUR movie! Make it stand out because that is the only way to get your name out there as an artist who has a different way of telling the same story of life.
We are positive that once you start, you will never stop.

Mixer/Minlge Houston

Marketing Producer, Andy Valadez, of Marketing Dynamics is stirring up the Houston Film scene along with Anita Long, the current president of Women in Film & Television-Houston and Rod Mitchell of Houston Cast & Crew who all presented a huge Mixer/Mingle at the Fox &  Hound, Thursday night, November 5th that started with a C47Houston Power Coffee meeting at the Corner Bakery Cafe earlier that afternoon. The Power Coffee meeting brings together filmmakers for a cup of coffee just to talk in a more intimate environment where you can get to talk to other "film" people who have one thing in common...C47Houston News & Entertainment Magazine. About 15 people joined us and Mr. Valadez as he brought in actress Joanna Sanchez from Hollywood and New York.  Ms. Sanchez has been visiting the Houston greater area for a number of years. She presents her acting classes for those people interested in honing their acting skills and their networking skills. Ms. Sanchez is doing some amazing things and can be seen on television, cable and in movies.  Learn more about Joanna on IMDB at: 
or you can keep up with her and her classes at:
Learn more about Marketing Producer Andy Valadez at:
Learn more about Women Film & Television-Houston at:
  Learn more about Rod Mitchell on fb at: 
We took some pictures...Enjoy!