

Monday, August 24, 2015

Damir Catic, Director

We had coffee with Director/Producer Damir Catic. He is the Organizer of this year's HorrorThon, 2015 coming up October 28th at the Edward's Theater. He is also on his way to making his second feature movie and is currently casting and in pre-production. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

GCFVF tixs going fast. Fest. Sept. 11th & 12th

Tickets are going fast for the Presentation Awards dinner at the Sundance Grill in Kemah, Texas for the 17th Annual Gulf Coast Film and Video Festival. Special Guest: Actor Lew Temple. Screenings are scheduled for Friday and Saturday Sept. 11th and 12th at the Courtyard Marriott NASA and the Saturday Night LIVE Cascade Awards starts at: 6:30PM Saturday, Sept. 12th. Tickets: www.GulfCoastFilmFest.com

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Johnnard Harper, Director and Writer of "Bloody Mary"

C47Houston News & Entertainment Magazine producer Hector Luna, got the opportunity to meet up with the Director and Writer of the new horror feature "Bloody Mary", Mr. Johnnard Harper. He is scheduled to premiere his first feature movie October 28th at the Eward's Marq'E Theater. Look for Mr. Harper in our no. 37th issue of C47Houston WEEKLY. That issue is scheduled to be released, Wednesday, August 26th. You can preorder Sunday, August 23rd and order it Wednesday after release.